At 10.45 a.m. we (the Sindelfingen-Group) presented their topic: The Savonius rotor. Two of us said something about the Biography of Sigurd Savonius, the inventor of the rotor, two others explained how it works while another part of our group talked about the history and the use of the rotor. The last two of our Group told how we build the Savonius rotor ourself, during a "P-Tag" in Germany and they also showed a short film about how the process went and how "our" rotor looked at the End. After the presentations, which ended at about 12.20 p.m., we had a 20 minutes break till a.m..
When the break ended, the second part of the Body percussion Workshop with Santi began. There we again practiced our dance for the concert on Friday. At 1.30 p.m. the lunch break started and we all went to the cafeteria, where we got our lunch which included lentil soup, a potato bake with a piece of meat and a yoghurt. The break lasted 45 minutes longer than usual, because we had a longer break this time.